The website is published by :
Below referred to as the publisher :
Mrs NIGNAN as President
Mail :
The website is designed and produced by:
Agence KEOLIO - 14 bis boulevard de Bellechasse, 94100 SAINT-MAUR-DES-FOSSÉS
Below referred to as the designer:
Représenté par M. MARIOT en qualité de Gérant
Phone: 01 43 94 65 77
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GANDI SAS - 63 Boulevard Massena, 75013 PARIS
Phone : 01 43 73 78 51
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The use of this service is reserved for strictly personal use. Any reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, for other purposes on any medium is prohibited. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement that may incur the civil and criminal liability of the infringer. The information contained in this service is non-binding and subject to change without notice. The photographs of products or services, accompanying their description, are not contractual and do not engage the publisher. Hypertext links that link to other websites do not engage the responsibility of the publisher on the contents of these external websites.
The designer is the owner of the copyright of his web creations on the website, in particular as regards the design, visuals, images and texts written by the designer in application of the Law n ° 92-597 of July 1st, 1992 relating to the code of the intellectual property. The details of these web creations can be obtained by request to the designer. Any representation or reproduction in whole or in part without the consent of the designer is unlawful, and constitutes an infringement punishable by law. It is the same for translation, adaptation or transformation, arrangement or reproduction by any art or process. The publisher holds the copyright of the other elements of the website pursuant to Law No. 92-597 of 1 July 1992 on the Code of Intellectual Property Any representation or reproduction in whole or in part without the consent of the publisher is unlawful, and constitutes an infringement punishable by law. It is the same for translation, adaptation or transformation, arrangement or reproduction by any art or process. It is forbidden to carry out substantial extractions of the contents of the website by any means whatsoever, including downloading or printing output. However, by mentioning the name of the author and the source, copies or reproductions strictly reserved for the private use of the copier are allowed, non-substantial and not intended for collective or public use. All rights of the author are reserved. Except authorization, the reproduction as well as any use of the works other than the individual and private consultation are forbidden. Failure to initiate proceedings upon becoming aware of such unauthorized uses does not constitute acceptance of such uses and waiver of prosecution.
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Software Components
WordPress site
Graphic components
All graphic elements and illustrations are the property of Medical Pharmaceutical.